Tuesday, May 17, 2011

10 Things I will miss about Madagascar...

And this is the impression the giant island has made on me... these are ten little windows into what I shall miss when  I find myself in the Northern hemisphere:

1. These swings. 

2. This way of life. (photo courtesy of Lydia Spann)

3. These trees. (photo courtesy of Lydia Spann)

4. The Lovely Angela.

5. Times like these. (photo courtesy of Sarah Nicodemus)

6. This church. (photo courtesy of Galia Naficova)

7. These smiles.
8. This ocean. 
9. These streets. (photo courtesy of Galia Naficova)
10. This view. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

"The whole journey was odd and dream-like -- the roaring stream, the wet grey grass, the glimmering cliffs which they were approaching, and always the glorious, silently pacing beast ahead." 
-C.S. Lewis 

Sometimes I wonder where time goes. It seems only yesterday that I mounted a gigantically frightening plane at the age of nine with my family, each one of us checking extra baggage pounds in our abyss of plastic colored foot-lockers. We were off and away! Now, after almost ten years, I'm going back to the United States, for more than a month or even two. Maybe I am exaggerating the significance of this transition, but I profoundly believe that my journey from the island of Madagascar to the state of Oklahoma will be much longer than 22 hours on an Airbus. My heart-strings now so deeply wound in the meshes of Madagascar will take time to re-align themselves into a new place. And what an adventure it shall be! So this blog is the carbon paper upon which I copy down all the fading Old, along with the inviting New. The pretty and the ugly; nothing fancy. 
Here's to the adventure ahead, to the footsteps we all have yet to take!