"The whole journey was odd and dream-like -- the roaring stream, the wet grey grass, the glimmering cliffs which they were approaching, and always the glorious, silently pacing beast ahead."
-C.S. Lewis
Sometimes I wonder where time goes. It seems only yesterday that I mounted a gigantically frightening plane at the age of nine with my family, each one of us checking extra baggage pounds in our abyss of plastic colored foot-lockers. We were off and away! Now, after almost ten years, I'm going back to the United States, for more than a month or even two. Maybe I am exaggerating the significance of this transition, but I profoundly believe that my journey from the island of Madagascar to the state of Oklahoma will be much longer than 22 hours on an Airbus. My heart-strings now so deeply wound in the meshes of Madagascar will take time to re-align themselves into a new place. And what an adventure it shall be! So this blog is the carbon paper upon which I copy down all the fading Old, along with the inviting New. The pretty and the ugly; nothing fancy.
Here's to the adventure ahead, to the footsteps we all have yet to take!