And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky."
It's true no human tongue, hands, or heart could ever truly convey the love that God has demonstrated towards us. As I am finishing up my packing, sitting on my suitcases (hoping they'll pretend they're the "Biggest Loser" and zip up tightly) I am in awe of where God has taken my family and I. From the moment I gave my heart to Him until now, never has He ceased to lavish me with abounding love, or continually surprise me with His twists of adventure. It is humbling that the that the one who hung the stars daily invites me into His very presence to lavish me with His glorious light and love.
Madagascar has been one His twisting adventures. To wrap it up in a nutshell and tie it with a bow seems impossible. Madagascar was much to take in, and mountains more to let out. I know now that it will be a journey to simply attempt to process and piece together my patchwork of experiences on this Island, and it is one I look forward to.
Anticipation is mainly what I feel as I ready myself to board that plane tomorrow and kiss this red earth goodbye. A good anticipation, that is; a cliff-hanger, no doubt. Like home-made bread in the oven. The smell wafts through the entire house, stomachs growl, and everyone seems to migrate to the kitchen so they'll be the first to see it sliced and served. (Maybe I went a bit far with that analogy, but hey...) I guess, what I am getting at, is that I am extremely excited to see what God will do next, not only my life, but in the lives of my family, and those I will soon meet. What a grand adventure-writer God is.
I love that song. And you. :)